Thursday, June 16, 2005


posted by Russell Johnson

Last night David and I watched the first full complete assembly of the movie and for just a 30 minute movie it is stuffed. Since we had to lose around 20 minutes from the first cut the movie it is just so dense with information and visuals. The pace is quick and never seems to lose momentum. All good things considering this began as a "talkie" movie and it still is but the editing is all over the place and not in the sense that it's not well done. There are so many editing tricks we've implemented you never get bogged down with lengthy dialogue sequences. Some people might consider it "MTV style" in spots but for this movie it really works. It's a lot of stuff we have never done before in a movie and the results are fantastic. So the movie is still a dialogue heavy one but now it's also a visually heavy one as well. We shot 2 endings to the movie and we stuck with our first instinct which I think sells the whole movie and how you feel about the main character. I always knew how I wanted the movie to end but I have to give credit to David for putting all together. He came up with a great idea on how it should go together visually, he picked just the right shots and it works perfectly.

David made a good point to me a few nights ago as we were going over some scenes. This movie could have been edited 2 years ago but it would not be anywhere near as good as it is today over 2 years later. There still are a few things we need to do such as some ADR work, and some fine tune editing but right now we are on the best schedule we've ever been on as far as finishing goes.

This weekend David and I will sit down once again and do a final once over of the movie and then get it off to our composer (Durb) and our sound designer (Neil). Followed by a test screening and finally a release date. Which will be coming soon. Can't give it away yet but for all intents and purposes the date has been set. Hopefully we announce that date within the next week.


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